Caterpillar Room
Welcome to our Caterpillar room, the perfect start to your child's learning and development. Children can access this room from the age of 2 yrs, we have a maximum of 8 children and 2 adults in a morning 9am-12 noon or an afternoon 12.45pm- 3.45pm.
We begin by focusing on the three prime areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage; Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Physical Development. Children are supported by our highly trained staff as they learn to separate from you and are encouraged to become independent learners in our exciting indoor and outdoor environment. They learn to share and take turns, communicate with staff and children and make their own choices. Group times include songs and rhymes, stories and a group snack where children can access a drink of either milk or water and enjoy a range of foods. We support you and your child through toilet training and encourage independence in self care such as hand washing, sitting on the potty and putting on outdoor clothes.
Whilst your child is playing we will observe them and monitor their progress using Tapestry, our online learning journey, you will have the opportunity to view their learning whilst at home or at work. Tapestry also allows you to share your child's learning at home with us allowing us to work together. Between the age of 2years- 3years we complete a 2 year Progress check and share this information with you. We also work closely with the health visitors, Speech and Language therapists and a range of other professionals to ensure your child has the best possible start.
Your child will have access to a wide range of experiences including mud, sand, water, paint, playdough, glue etc so please ensure your child wears old clothes. Please ensure that your child brings a coat and wears suitable footwear.
Prices per 3 hour session are £16.00
Free Childcare for 2 year olds is also available ( subject to criteria)